Introduction to LENA Home

Self-paced course for Program Leadership and Home Visitors

3. LENA Fundamentals: The Reflective Feedback Cycle (3 min)

The reflective feedback cycle is at the heart of LENA Home and all LENA programs. Following best principles of adult learning (similar to Head Start’s Know, See, Do, Improve framework), the LENA Home feedback cycle provides opportunities to:

  • Learn strategies to increase talk with children.
  • See these strategies used by real families during their daily routines.
  • Practice the strategies at home.
  • Reflect on their own talk behaviors and their child’s experience.
  • Set goals.

Here’s how it works:

  1. LENA Day: During a LENA Day, children wear the LENA device, so that adults’ interactive talk can be captured and measured. Data from this day is turned into a LENA report that is shared during the home visiting session, enabling parents and caregivers to reflect on their child’s language experience throughout the day.

  2. Home Visiting Session: The home visiting session always comes after the LENA Day. During the session, home visitors introduce families to strategies that help increase talk during daily routines. Parents and caregivers watch video vignettes from other home settings to see these strategies in practice.

    Then, families review the report from their last LENA Day. Home visitors use a strengths-based approach to ask questions and learn more about the experience. Reports show how much talk and interaction each child received, enabling families to reflect on their progress and set a clear goal for their next LENA Day. Home visitors also exchange the family’s LENA device so they are ready for their next LENA Day.

  3. Put it into Practice: These are the days between home visits and the next LENA Day. During these days, parents and caregivers practice what they’ve learned while working towards achieving their LENA goals. Purposeful practice helps show measurable growth on the next LENA report.
Cycle graphic Grow Home


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