Introduction to LENA Home

Self-paced course for Program Leadership and Home Visitors

5. LENA Home Reports (4 min)

The LENA Home program provides two family reports: The LENA Parent Report and the LENA Snapshot Report.
The LENA Parent Report shows parents how much they really talk to and with their child. It also shows how many minutes their child heard mostly sounds from an electronic device (TV, radio, computer, phone, tablet, etc.). Families also see the most recent number of reading minutes they reported spending with their child. Learn more about how to understand and share the LENA Parent Report in the Tools for Home Visitors course. Annotated Parent Report
The LENA Snapshot is a parent questionnaire that measures a child’s language development. It is used with children between the ages of 2- 36 months and takes about 5-15 minutes to complete. After completing the Snapshot, home visitors share a report with parents showing how their child’s language development compares to other children of the same age. Learn more about this report in the Tools for Home Visitors course. Annotated Snapshot Report

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