LENA Grow Recruitment


1. Create a Plan (2 min)

A recruitment plan provides an overall roadmap to reaching program goals. Identifying potential sites and targeting program goals will help you design effective messaging and encourage participation in LENA Grow.

Scope and Timing
Your first step in recruitment is to consider your program’s overall goals and plans, so take a look at your Seasonal Plan.

Example Seasonal Plan

Then, consider these questions:

  • How many sites and classrooms can be coached this season or semester?
  • Will sites provide their own coaches or will your program provide coaching?
  • When would you like to begin? 

  • Where will LENA devices be processed?
    *If sites process their own devices, ensure access to a Windows computer/laptop with a USB port. 

  • Do you have established relationships with sites that would be great "early adopters" of the program?
  • Do past LENA Grow sites have teachers who have not yet had the opportunity to participate?
  • Are past LENA Grow sites ready to deepen their practice with Grow 2: Insights?

  Your LENA Partner Success Manager is a great resource for this project. Reach out for support!


Many LENA Grow partners offer an incentive as a way to encourage program participation. Some of these incentives can be built into the program, like providing classrooms with supplies or celebrating teachers as they complete a sequence.

Some examples:

Cherokee County School District (CCSD) holds "graduations" at the end of each LENA Grow sequence. Students and teachers have a special lunch, then are presented with certificates during the graduation ceremony.


The Ohio Child Care Resource and Referral Association (OCCRRA) offered LENA Grow Lakeshore Kits to every participating classroom.

Each kit contains items selected to complement the themes covered in each week ofLENA Grow. They support increasing conversational turns each week during the sequence…and beyond!

Lakeshore partnership


Put It Into Practice

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