Course Outline
4. Get Commitments (3 min)
After initial outreach, it’s time to connect with interested programs to share more details and finalize commitments.
Center Director Materials
Reach back out to interested sites to set up a time to review the Site Guide. This explains program requirements and ensures sites are ready and committed to begin. |
Included in the Site Guide are requirements for device processing, such as access to a Windows computer with USB port. If sites are processing devices, consider downloading and sending this additional document for their IT department. |
Download LENA Grow System Requirements |
If desired, you may also customize a Site Agreement for each participating site. |
Email Template
To help you communicate this process to center directors, use this customizable email template:
Dear [center director name], Congratulations on taking the next step in providing LENA Grow to your teachers! [If needed, answer any questions asked in center director reply email]. LENA's Site Guide provides more detail about the benefits of LENA Grow and the responsibilities of participation. Let’s set up a time to discuss the guide together. [Include scheduling link or ask for available times]. I look forward to planning our next steps together. Best, |
After meeting, follow up to finalize their timeline and introduce their coach! Here is an example of a customizable email template to help you introduce a coach to a center director:
Dear [center director name], I'm looking forward to providing LENA Grow at your site in the coming weeks! Let me introduce you to your LENA Grow coach, [coach name]. I've copied them here so they can follow up with you for next steps. Moving forward, please include me in your communications so I know when Teacher Orientation will be scheduled and can plan accordingly. |
Put It Into Practice
Scroll through the presentation below to see how a LENA partner uses these templates.