Add a Teacher to a Group

Add each teacher who will participate in coaching and may pursue certification.

Teachers are the educators who participate in LENA Grow coaching sessions and may pursue LENA Teacher Certification. They do not log into LENA Online.

Teacher names and emails are collected at Orientation using the LENA Grow Room Sign Up Sheet.

How to add a teacher

  1. On the Group's screen, Group Staffing tab, click Add Teacher.
    • If the teacher has already participated, enter just the first name. The system will find the teacher; click to select.Enter the teacher's name and email address if it is their first time participating.
    • LENA sends a survey to this email address at the end of the sequence.
  2. Click Continue to connect an existing teacher if applicable, or create a new one.
  3. Confirm.

    What if the teacher does not have an email address?

    You can input an address belonging to the center, or the coach's address. It's ok if multiple teachers use the same address. LENA will still recognize they are different and will send individual survey emails with each teacher's name. You'll also have a QR code for each teacher's survey in your Session 5 materials, so distributing the email links is not critical.