Change LENA Password or Email Address

How to change the credentials you or your staff use to login to LENA Online and LENA Hub

How to change your password

  1. Use the Forgot Password link on the LENA Online login screen.
  2. Enter the email address associated with your LENA user account.
  3. Follow instructions on screen.

If you like logging into LENA Online with a saved password, update the stored password when prompted. However, note that LENA Hub does not store passwords, so be sure to memorize it or keep it in a safe place for reference.

How to change email address

Change your own email address...

  1. Log into LENA Online using the current email address and password.
  2. Click on the circle with your initials, in the upper left just above your name. This opens your user profile screen.
  3. Edit the email address. BE SURE THE NEW ADDRESS IS CORRECT, NO TYPOS.
  5. Updating your email address will log you out. Log back in using the updated email address and your existing password.

Change a staff member's email address...

Account owners update another staff member's email address as follows:

  1. Go to Account Overview.
  2. Click on the Users tab.
  3. Click the staff person's name to open their user profile.
  4. Edit the email address. 
  5. Click Save.
Site managers can update users within the sites they manage:

Update another Site Manager Update Coach
  1. On dashboard, click Manage on site whose user needs updating.
  2. Click on name of Site Manager to edit.
  3. Edit email address. 
  4. Click Save.
  1. From dashboard, click into Group
  2. Open Group Staffing tab.
  3. Click on name of Coach to edit.
  4. Edit the email address. 
  5. Click Save.

No message will be sent to the user to notify them that their email address has been updated.

Changing the email address does not change the associated password.

If the user still needs to set up a password, then either you or the user can trigger a password reset email. From the login screen, click Forgot Password and enter the new email address.