Create Classroom Groups and Add Coaches

Add a group and a coach for each recruited classroom to prepare for the LENA Grow sequence.

1. Create Group.


Create a new group each time a classroom will participate in a LENA Grow sequence.

A LENA Grow group represents the set teachers and consented children who are all in the same physical classroom, while they are participating in a single LENA Grow sequence.

Groups are created by the Account Owner or the Site Manager.

2. Add Coach.

Each group needs a designated Coach, even if the person is already a Site Manager with access to the group. Coach names will be displayed on teacher certificates. 

The Site Manager or Account Owner assigns coaches to groups.

3. Add Teacher(s).

Teachers are the educators who participate in LENA Grow coaching sessions and may pursue LENA Teacher Certification. They do not log into LENA Online. Teacher names and emails are collected at Orientation using the LENA Grow Room Sign Up Sheet.

    4. Complete the Group Profile.

    The Group Profile contains the Group's basic information, plus the option to add key characteristics that help LENA better understand the conditions that impact LENA program outcomes, providing a basis for future improvements. Group Profile information is collected at Orientation using the LENA Grow Room Sign Up Sheet.

    1. On the Group's screen open the Group Profile tab.
    2. Edit basic information as needed.
    3. Add as much as you know about the Group's characteristics.
    4. Save.