1. LENA Library
  2. LENA Hub
  3. Troubleshooting LENA Hub

Troubleshooting: LENA Hub Screen Shows "Error!" On a Device Icon

How to handle the various "recorder errors" on LENA Hub

First, click the error alert on your Hub screen to see what problem is occurring. Then read below for next steps.



Click to jump to the error you see, or use Ctrl+F to search this page.



Recorder does not contain any audio. Recording Length: 0 minutes.

Hub_RecError_NoAudioThe device is empty. When unplugged, its screen says simply "Paused." It's normal for this to happen in these common situations:

  • No recording was made. The device said Paused before you plugged it in. 
    • Remember to check each device before you connect it! The device screen tells the truth about the contents. There's no need to connect an empty device.
  • You've reconnected a device after transfer, or restarted Hub with transferred devices still connected. Transferring the device erased it, so it is empty. The recording is on the Hub, or in the cloud, or has already been turned into a report. 

Contact LENA support in these unusual situations:

  • LENA Hub shows "no audio," but when you unplug the device its screen still says Memory Full or shows elapsed time. This means Hub cannot read the device properly.
  • Hub is tossing these empty device errors like popcorn, on devices that have been connected and transferred. This means Hub is having trouble maintaining connection with the devices. 

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The recorder is not assigned.


If you know which child made the recording...

  1. Click Assign in LENA Online.
  2. Log in and assign the device to the correct child.
  3. Disconnect the device.
  4. Wait a few seconds, the reconnect to Hub to transfer.

If you want to erase the recording...

  1. Click Erase Recorder.
  2. Confirm.

If you're not sure what to do...

Click Close and disconnect the device. The data will stay on the device while you figure it out.

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The audio on the recorder starts before the child was born.Hub_RecError_BeforeDOB

Verify that the child's birth date was entered correctly in LENA Online.

If it is incorrect:

  1. Input the right date and save the child's record.

  2. Disconnect the LENA device from LENA Hub.

  3. Reconnect the LENA device to start the confirmation and transfer process.

If the date of birth is correct, then the child was given a device with old data already on it, or the device has malfunctioned. You can either click Erase Recorder to erase all contents, or click Close and contact LENA support for assistance transferring the data and determining if anything can be processed. 

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Audio transfer failed. Please connect the recorder and try again.


The recording is safe on the device. Close the error message and check the following:

Do you have enough disk space?

Typically Hub notifies you that the hard drive is too full via an alert on the Disk Usage icon on the main screen; however, the alert can be missed if the user is queueing up multiple devices and the limit is hit midway through the session.

If your drive is full, you'll need to delete or move files to make space.

Is the device working properly?

If the problem is limited to a single recorder and others transfer normally using the same equipment and port, the micro-USB port or other recorder component may be the culprit.

  1. Disconnect the recorder and power it off.
  2. Power it on again after a few seconds, and verify that the screen message is as expected (Memory Full or Paused with an elapsed time counter). If there is an error instead, address that first.
  3. Reconnect the Memory Full or Paused-with-data device and attempt the transfer again.

Is there a problem with the other equipment?

If audio transfer fails for multiple recorders, the problem is likely with the USB cord, part of the Multi Dock, or the USB port on the computer.

  1. Try a different USB cord.

  2. If using a LENA Multi Dock:

    • Check all connections.

    • Try a different Multi Dock, or remove the Multi Dock and try connecting the device directly to the PC using one of the USB cables.

  3. Try a different USB port on the computer if possible.

  4. Try restarting the computer.

If you are unable to resolve the transfer failure, contact LENA support for assistance.

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LENA Online authentication failed. Please check your credentials and try again.

Note: If you're seeing "Authentication failed, please try again" while you are trying to log in, that is different - see this article about login problems instead. 


      First, rule out a recent password change

      • If you changed your LENA password while you were signed into Hub, the error is happening because Hub doesn't know who you are now and does not know what it can show you about this device. Disconnect the device, sign out of Hub, sign back in with the updated password, and reconnect the device.

      Next, try disconnecting and reconnecting the device.

      • Sometimes Hub loses the ability to communicate with a device, and this is one of the error messages that can appear. Reconnecting the device typically solves the issue.
      • If a simple reconnect does not resolve the error, please try connecting with a different cable and using a different Multi Dock, or at least a different port.
      Determine if it occurs with just one device or all devices.
      • If the error happens with just one of your devices, contact LENA support with the serial number. If it is under warranty, we will arrange a replacement.
      Still stuck with frequent authentication errors on many devices? 
      • Contact LENA support. We will want to meet to view your screen during a device processing session, obtain the logs from your LENA Hub software, and do further analysis on our side.

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