1. LENA Library
  2. LENA Hub
  3. Hub Requirements, Installation, and Settings

LENA Hub Settings

How and why to update LENA Hub settings

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How to Access and Change Settings

  1. On Hub, click the wrench icon to open the Settings screen.
  2. Use the toggles to adjust settings as desired.
  3. Click Update to save changes.

If unable to save changes, see what to do here.

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Settings Options

Require Login

The Require Login toggle determines whether LENA Online credentials must be used, and whether device assignments are displayed.

Setting Credentials Assignment Confirmation Why Choose?
Yes LENA Online username and password are required in order to use Hub. Device assignment is displayed for the user to confirm. Confirming device assignment for every transfer can cut down on misassigned data.
No LENA Online user credentials are not required in order to use Hub. Any assigned device transfers data immediately, without requiring assignment confirmation. If no login is required, then any program support staff person can process devices. This is good if you do not want that person to access LENA Reports or other data in LENA Online.

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Processing Location

The Processing Location setting tells LENA Hub where to analyze your recordings: in the cloud or on your local hard drive. It has no effect on where or how the results are displayed.

Setting Meaning Why Choose?
Cloud Hub sends each recording to LENA's secure servers for analysis. Recommended unless internet is too slow to upload a file in under 20 minutes. Completing the ~1.5-hour analysis in the cloud instead of on the local computer is safer and leaves your computer available for other tasks.
Local Hub uses your hard drive to perform the analysis and sends only the results to LENA's servers. Local processing is recommended when  uploads take more than 20 minutes per file, with no option for a faster internet connection.
Note: To apply this change to files that you have already transferred from devices, you must close and reopen Hub.

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Defer Processing

The Defer Processing setting determines whether transferred recordings are processed immediately or are held on the computer until the user initiates processing.

Setting Meaning Why Choose?


(default setting)

All transferred recording files are uploaded or processed immediately. Immediate, automatic handling is ideal if your Hub computer can stay at the transfer location long enough to finish the job, and that location represents your fastest internet option.

All transferred recordings are held on the computer until a user manually starts the upload or processing.

**A user must click a button to start uploading/processing transferred files.**

Choose to defer if time or tech constraints make immediate processing inconvenient. For example, use deferral if:

  • Transfers occur at a location with slow internet, on a Hub laptop that will have a high-speed internet connection later in the day.
  • The Hub laptop is transported to several locations in a given day for transfers, and the schedule is too tight to finish the files before moving on to the next location. Deferral lets you wait until the end of the day to start the uploading.
  • Your program uses local processing due to slow internet. You prefer to transfer devices during the day as they come in, but you'd rather have the processing occur overnight.

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SP Program Settings

The SP Program Settings section applies only to children enrolled in a LENA SP group. (LENA SP is a separate program used by researchers, speech therapists, audiologists, and other language specialists.)

Although anyone can open and alter the settings on this special tab, changes to the default SP Program Settings are ignored for all other program types.

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