How Long Does Processing Take?

You can expect to see your LENA reports the morning after you process devices. Here are the details.

For complete processing instructions, see here or download an extra copy of After a LENA Day: Process LENA devices with LENA Hub.

1. Device Transfer.

  • What: Transfer device contents to LENA Hub computer as files, erase device.
  • How long: 1-2 minutes per device.
  • Person required? Yes, to plug in devices and start the transfers.
Plug Devices

2. Upload to cloud.

  • What: Upload your transferred files to LENA.
  • How long: 5-20 minutes* per file, depending on internet speed.
  • Person required? No, but computer must remain on, laptop lid open, connected to internet, and not sleeping until Hub shows 0 Uploading.
  • Devices required? No. After transfer the device is empty and can be disconnected.
If each file on the Uploads tab is taking longer than 20 minutes to finish uploading, please contact to discuss options.

3. Create reports.

  • What: Automated analysis of the uploaded files, and transformation of the data into reports.
  • How long: Each file takes at least an hour, and all files for a group have to finish the process in order for group data to be complete. 
  • Person required? Nope – it's automagical!
