Recruitment FAQ

Responses to common questions and concerns that may come up during site recruitment.

1. “I’m not sure my families will feel comfortable with the device.”

Key response: "The LENA device works like a pedometer. Instead of counting steps, it counts words and conversations. LENA technology does not understand words in any language. It cannot play back audio, so no one can ever listen to what your child said."

It is very common for parents and caregivers to raise concerns over the safety and privacy of a new experience that involves their child.

To help educators respond to this concern, LENA provides clear, easy-to-understand materials for both teachers AND families.


LENA partners experience
a family participation (i.e., consent) rate of 90% nationwide when using LENA Grow materials to communicate about the program.


For educators:

  • Family Engagement FAQ page
    Teachers can refer to this page to answer common family concerns about privacy and safety, wearing LENA clothing, and how LENA technology works.
    Included in the Teacher Guide or download English | Spanish

For families:

  • Visit our Recruiting for LENA Grow article for resources to share in a newsletter or send home during the consent process. Explain LENA in family-friendly terms: how LENA Grow works, why teachers like it, how participating will benefit their child. 

2. “I don’t want to give my teachers one more thing to do.”

Key response: "LENA Grow aligns with other tools* we are already using in the classroom. Instead of being one more thing, we can use this program alongside other learning assessments to help increase language development."

*LENA Grow aligns with and enhances a wide range of tools, including CLASS®, Head Start Performance Standards and Early Learning Outcomes, ZERO TO THREE Critical Competencies™, and the Pyramid Model for  Promoting Social Emotional Competencies in Infants and Young Children. Also shown to increase CLASS® , TS GOLD® , and DECA scores. Learn more about LENA alignment with national and state-wide crosswalks.

While teachers may at first be hesitant to take on something new, post-program surveys indicate:

  • 98% of educators would recommend LENA Grow to other teachers.
  • Only 3% of coaches say that they know of another program that’s more effective at promoting professional development in educators.
  • Teachers experience significant increases in self-efficacy, job satisfaction, and beliefs and actions that support equitable language development, after using LENA Grow.

3. "We don't have enough coverage for teachers to participate in a coaching session."

Key response: "LENA Grow is a way for teachers to actively participate in their own professional development. The benefits and impact of the program for teachers, students, and our community are worth spending some time to figure out a solution for coverage. Let's take a look together."

If coverage is a challenge, consider some of these solutions from other LENA Grow partners:

  • Offering to coach virtually rather than in person.
  • Coaching during nap time or at the very beginning or end of the day when ratios may make coverage less of an issue.
  • Coaching one teacher at a time instead of the teaching team. They can discuss their goals and progress with colleagues outside of the coaching session.
  • Encouraging the director to make professional development a priority, figuring out coverage for 30 minutes so a teacher can participate.

4. “Staffing is just too inconsistent right now.”

Key response: "The benefit of LENA Grow is that it could help mitigate staffing inconsistency. There’s evidence that LENA Grow improves teachers' professional outlook and, ultimately, retention."

If teacher turnover is an issue, remember that the program is only five weeks long. If the director can work to ensure a teacher is with the same group of children for five weeks, then that’s the perfect time for the teacher to participate in LENA Grow 1 Essentials.

We've also seen evidence that LENA Grow helps newer teachers create a more language rich environment faster. According to Dr. Gilkerson, Chief Research and Evaluation Officer, “LENA Grow helped compress over a decade's worth of experience into a matter of weeks.”

Finally, if a program is under too must stress and inconsistency at the moment, but is still interested in the program once things settle, set reminders for yourself to reach out to them every few months to check in. Or, better yet, set a date 3-6 months away when you can go ahead and get started.