1. LENA Library
  2. LENA Online
  3. Troubleshooting LENA Online

Help: Error when trying to view reports

Error says "auth.o.lena.org refused to connect."


What to do: Log Out.

  1. Close the reports screen to return to group screen or dashboard.

  2. In the purple sidebar on the left, click Log Out

  3. Log back into o.lena.org and load reports.

The important piece is logging out of LENA. Just closing your tab or browser, or even restarting your computer, does not fix the problem.


Why it happens and how to avoid:

This is a session glitch that can occur if you close your browser while logged into LENA Online, then get timed out for inactivity, and then try to access LENA Online again. Sometimes in this situation, the system prompts you to log in but then does not require you to input your email and password. As a result, you are not truly logged in, so the system cannot access reports on your behalf.

You can avoid this by always logging out before closing the LENA Online internet browser tab.