Returning Your LENA Room Kit

When your LENA Grow sequence is complete, follow these steps to return your LENA Grow Room Kit


Now that you have wrapped up your LENA Grow sequence, it's time to return your Room Kit!

  1. Grow_ReturnRoomKit_insertspreadFind the Welcome to LENA Grow insert included in your Room Kit. This page provides everything you need to know about returning your kit.
    Can't find your copy? Download a reference one here.

  2. Grow_ReturnRoomKit_dateexampleLocate the return by date and number of devices to return. On our example, the return by date is April 22, 2024, and the number of devices to return is 10.

  3. Grow_ReturnRoomKit_checklistRepackage LENA materials back into the Room Kit box. Using the checklist on the back of the page, make sure you include:
    • All LENA devices.
    • Any unworn vests.
    • Two Multi Docks with cords.

  4. Once the materials are packed, put the Room Kit box into the provided mailing bag. The bag is pre-labeled and ready to ship back to LENA.

  5. Drop the bag off at a UPS drop-off location nearest you. The package is too large for a drop box, so you will need to find a store front.

That's it! Thanks for returning your LENA Room Kit!