Transition Grow 1 to Grow 2

A Grow 1 group can be converted to Grow 2 during or after group closure.

Use the chart below to learn what steps to take, depending on your situation.

If...   Do this:
Own_LENA_devices_icon Your program owns its devices, and Grow 2 group will start immediately... Close the group, selecting the option to continue to Grow 2. This moves teacher(s), children, and device assignments.
Own_LENA_devices_icon Your program owns its devices, and Grow 2 group will start later (e.g., next season and/or after another classroom uses the devices)... Close the group without continuing (the just close the group option). This removes device assignments. You can add the teacher and children to a future group.


Your program orders Room Kits from LENA... Make sure the Grow 1 group is Closed. Then you can add the teacher and children to a new group and order a new kit.