LENA Home: Tools for Home Visitors

Self-paced program implementation course for LENA Home visitors

Welcome to the LENA Tools for Home Visitors course!

Our goal for this course is to ensure that all home visitors are comfortable and proficient with the LENA Home program. The lessons below guide you through the tools, materials, and resources available to support you in delivering a successful program sequence. Prior to beginning this course, meet with your program manager to discuss program implementation plans and receive the following:

  • LENA Home Guided Questions and Session Worksheet.
  • LENA Home Coaching Session Guide.
  • LENA Home parent materials (LENA Home Parent Workbook, LENA Talking Tips Award Chart).
  • Copy of your program’s consent form.

Please note: This is the longest of the lessons in this course because it walks you through all of the core LENA Home coaching content for families. It is important to review and understand this so that you can be prepared to present the information and answer any questions that may come up. Lessons may contain multiple text and video elements. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of the page to complete the entire lesson.