LENA Home: Tools for Home Visitors

Self-paced program implementation course for LENA Home visitors

2. Parent Workbook (3 min)

LENA Home is designed to support and celebrate the work that families do with early talk at home. The Parent Workbook includes everything families need to successfully participate in each LENA Home session. We suggest reading the entire Parent Workbook to fully understand the LENA Home family experience.

Session materials include information such as:

  • The 14 Talking Tips.
  • Engagement ideas.
  • Review sheets.
  • How to understand LENA reports.

Also included in the Parent Workbook: LENA Logs. Filled out each LENA Day, a LENA Log helps caregivers easily record (and remember) what they did with their child throughout the day.


These materials are also available in Spanish. Please contact your LENA Home program manager to request copies.

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