LENA Home: Tools for Home Visitors

Self-paced program implementation course for LENA Home visitors

7. LENA Snapshot (6 min)

Filled out by a parent or caregiver, the LENA Snapshot is a developmental assessment that informs parents about their child’s language skills relative to their age. Watch the video to learn more about how the Snapshot tracks observed early language behaviors/milestones and overall language growth.

We recommend administering the LENA Snapshot a minimum of two times: at Session 2 and at the last session before the Celebration Session. The LENA Snapshot can be administered every three weeks if a program chooses. Some programs who are already administering other language development assessment tools may choose not to use the LENA Snapshot.

The Snapshot can be completed either electronically or on paper. If you choose for families to complete the Snapshot on paper, you will need to enter their answers into LENA Online to generate the Snapshot Report. 

The Snapshot can also be administered by sending as a text link from LENA Online. Parents complete the assessment and their answers are automatically recorded in LENA Online. A report can be generated from this information.

LENA Home_Snapshot2


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