Course Outline
4. Process LENA Devices (4 min)
After each LENA Day, LENA devices must be processed on LENA Hub. Processing a device sends its data to the cloud for analysis. Reports are then generated from this data in LENA Online.
Process devices as soon as possible after the LENA Day, and at least one day before the scheduled coaching session. Here's a typical workflow:
For processing, you will need:
Helpful, but not necessary:
Follow each step in the presentation below to process your LENA devices.
Helpful tips:
- Do not go out of order when completing these steps! What may seem like a speedy shortcut typically causes problems instead. Go slow to go fast!
- Allow 2-3 minutes per child to set up processing. The computer needs up to 20 minutes per child to finish the task, but you do not have to be present for that to occur.
- Before printing reports, check that data is present for all children who participated in the last LENA Day. If reports appear incomplete, data is likely still processing. However, if it's been longer than 24 hours, contact LENA support!